Rainbow Valley – A Low ABV Refresher
Here is another drink to reminisce on summer! A lower ABV highball which serves as a perfect refresher for the hotter days, or as an excellent Aperitif. I just wanted to play around with the flavours here and use rosemary as a garnish.
Obviously, Cocchi Americano needs no introduction. On top of that, I already reviewed the apricot eau de vie I used here in my apricot eau de vie tasting series. Furthermore, I also do not remember where the inspiration for this one came from. I guess my point is, that I combined things that I thought would go great together in a highball.
Burnt honey and morgentau
Two things which indeed are special about this cocktail are the use of burnt honey syrup and the Morgentau Bitters from The Seventh Sense. I read about the former on Soundtrack My Drinks Instagram feed. Basically, you cook honey syrup, but let the honey get dark before you carefully add water. The latter, is a riesling spirit based bitters which goes very well with eau de vies.
1,5 cl Gutemann Apricot Eau de Vie
2 Dashes The Seventh Sense Morgentau Bitters
2,25 cl Lemon Juice
0,75 cl Burnt Honey Syrup
Top off with Soda Water
Shake – strain – chilled Highball glass over ice cubes – top off;
Garnish: Rosemary Sprig; Song: Matt Corby – Rainbow Valley;
At first, you get the impression that you are sipping a vermouth soda. Yet, the apricot notes shine through after a short while. Next, the floral and honey notes emerge. Additionally, you get hints of caramel which I guess comes from the burnt part.