Tropical Month ’25 – Mango Negroni
At the beginning of February, Joerg Meyer wrote about the Mango Negroni on his 7cl Business blog. Since, I was planning a tropical party anyway, I thought I give it a go.
At the beginning of February, Joerg Meyer wrote about the Mango Negroni on his 7cl Business blog. Since, I was planning a tropical party anyway, I thought I give it a go.
My good friend Sepo over at the Galumbi blog came up with this drink in 2019. Yes, it took me quite a while to reshake this cocktail. However, when I am not the only one with an obscure ingredient, I just have to do it eventually.
Ever since I got my hands on the Satoshi Curaçao, I wanted to mix up a Mai Tai with it. So, tropical month came as a welcome excuse to try it out. I can already reveal this much: It was a very tasty cocktail.
Let us end Tropical Month 2024 with a rather unknown tropical classic. Donn the Beachcomber created this drink which is named after the morse code for the letter ‘V’. This variation from Martin Cate of Smuggler’s Cove uses Vieux Rhum Agricole as a base spirit instead of just ‘gold rum’.
Yes, I know, this article is about another Jungle Bird variation. I just cannot help it, this is where my mind goes when I think about cocktails inspired by bird related songs. Yet, to differentiate the recipe more from my other version this tropical month, I turned this one into a milk punch.
Tropical Month would not be complete without a Jungle Bird variation. In this case, I added more complexity through pineapple rum as well as a famous German herbal liqueur.
I was wondering if you could turn the peculiar Arsenic And Old Lace cocktail into a tropical drink. While the Original is weird, its mix of ingredients is also very intriguing. So, I set to work and this is the delicious result!
It might be an underrated tropical drink, but the Rum Punch does deserve a closer look. Therefore, I came up with my own version. I actually mixed this drink back in 2022. This means, I am diving deep into the recipe backlog here.
I came up with this drink during Tropical Month 2023, but did not came around to write about it. Since this was a great combination of flavours, I thought I just post it this year. However, this also means I am not completely sure how I got to the specific recipe.
Blanche Armagnac is a wonderful spirit to mix with! This is why I came up with a Missionary’s Downfall variation some time ago. An entry to the Home Bar Awards 2022 Finals added the finishing touches to the recipe.