Home Again – Heimat Kracherl

Another holiday inspiration was an aronia lemonade I discovered in Passau. Luckily, the Heimat Kracherl lemonade is also available in an organic supermarket at home. Therefore, I started wondering which Highball to mix with it. Well, in the end I did not go for gin, but for two eau de vies.
The Heimat Kracherl lemonade uses local, organic aronia juice from Passau. Apart from that, the lemonade consists of organic lemon juice and cane sugar from Columbia. The water comes from the Bavaria Forest and is carbonized before being added to the lemonade. All in all, the lemonade is very tasty with some tart notes, but also a balanced sweetness. The taste ranges somewhere between sourcherries and currants.
Gentian or gin, your choice

Obviously, my first idea was to add gin to the aronia lemonade. However, I wanted to take the drink in a slightly different direction. Therefore, I used a gentian eau de vie from Wilhelm Marx instead. On top of that, I also threw in a bit of rose eau de vie from the Engel Naturbrennerei. Add a splash of lime and top everything up with the lemonade and you get a quick, refreshing Highball.

0,75 cl Engel Rose Eau de Vie
1,5 cl Lime Juice
Built – Highball glass over ice – top off with lemonade;
Garnish: Lime Twist;
Song: Michael Kiwanuka – Home Again;

The gentian eau de vie takes the drink in a darker and more earthy direction. As mentioned above, you can also use gin and get a “cleaner” taste. However, I like the earthy notes of the gentian eau de vie which go very well with the rose flavours and the aronia lemonade. All in all, this delicious highball is a nice Gin & Tonic alternative, which is almost as easy to make.
*The fact that I received a product reviewed in this article for free, did not – in any way – influence the rating of said product. The eau de vies were provided by Wilhelm Marx and the Engel Naturbrennerei.