Dry January 2023 – The Future

I really like using tea in non-alcoholic cocktails. This time the drink was inspired by a classic fizz. However, the spirit is replaced with an organic alpine herbs tea. On top of that, I again used an organic, alcohol-free cider in the recipe!
Not very surprisingly, this non-alcoholic Swabian meadow cider also comes from Joerg Geiger. For this product they use old, sour apple varieties and some wine pears. Afterwards, the alcohol is removed through vacuum distillation.
Fruity, sour and sweet

The cider starts with clear apple notes, reminiscent of apple juice. However, a certain spiciness also shines through with notes of cinnamon and vanilla. You also can taste a bit of fruit skins, but without too much tannins. In the end, there lingers a certain sweetness which leads to a drier finish.

Basically a Fizz
The idea for this Dry January drink was easy: Sour-style, with a base of herbal tea and topped off with cider. Well, I chose a great herbal tea with balm notes and hints of wild flowers. For a sweetener, I chose honey and split the sour component between lemon and lime.

1,5 cl Lemon Juice
1,5 cl Lime Juice
Top off with Joerg Geiger Cider non-alcoholic
Dissolve honey in tea – shake – – strain Double Old-Fashioned Glass – top off;
Garnish: Lemon Twist; Song: Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats – The Future;
Besides a distinct apple note, the next thing you taste is the honey. After a while the tea makes its way through to the front of the palate. Interestingly, the other ingredients emphasize the pears in the cider. All in all, this was quite a refreshing no-ABV cocktail!