Tropical Month 2024 – Big Bird

Tropical Month would not be complete without a Jungle Bird variation. In this case, I added more complexity through pineapple rum as well as a famous German herbal liqueur.
Obviously, the original recipe already results in a tasty drink. However, I was looking for a bit more complexity. On top of that, I wanted to use the Plantaray Pineapple Rum in this. I am absolutely not the first one to do that, but it works excellently in Jungle Bird variations.
Another Bird

More over I split the ‘bitter’ part of the Jungle Bird between Jägermeister and an Italian red bitter liqueur. Instead of plain Demerara syrup, I went for a slightly salted one. Finally, I also added a few dashes of Bittermens Tiki Bitters, because the recipe seemed not complete without them.

0,75 cl Plantation O.F.T.D. Rum
1,5 cl Jägermeister
1,5 cl Italian Red Bitter
2 Dashes Bittermens Elemakule Tiki Bitters
3 cl Pineapple Juice
2,25 cl Lime Juice
1,5 cl Salted Demerara Syrup
Garnish: Lime Wedge;
Song: Matt Berninger – Big Bird;
The drink starts with great pineapple and bitter flavours, reminiscent of the original. However, soon afterwards the herbal notes of the Jägermeister shine through. They take the drinking experience in a slightly darker direction. On top of that, slight salinity works excellent with the tropical notes.