Tropical Month ’25 – Mango Negroni

At the beginning of February, Joerg Meyer wrote about the Mango Negroni on his 7cl Business blog. Since, I was planning a tropical party anyway, I thought I give it a go.

First, I looked up what goes great with mango in my Flavour Bible. The result was curry, which I used in the form of the very spicy Capreolus Garden Swift Gin. Furthermore, I added a few drops of saline solution

Fruity and strong

Apart from the obvious Chinola Mango liqueur, which gives the drink its name, I stuck with my basic Negroni recipe. This means a little more gin, but in this case a little less Italian bitter liqueur. Obviously, Campari will work fine here, but I went for the naturally coloured Del Professore Bitter.

Mango Negroni:
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4 cl Capreolus Garden Swift Gin
2,25 cl Italian Bitter Liqueur
1,5 cl Chinola Mango Liqueur
3 cl Sweet Vermouth Mix**
6 Drops Saline Solution 20 %
Stir – chilled Double Old-Fashioned glass over ice cubes;
Garnish: Orange Twist;
Song: Angus & Julia Stone – Mango Tree;

**Mix 50 % Mancino Vermouth Rosso, 40 % Yzaguierre Reserve and 10 % Mancino Chinato.

The Mango Negroni starts with typical gin and bitter notes. Yet, the fruity mango shines through nicely. All in all, the drink is quite strong. Somehow the mango liqueur emphasises the menthol notes of the gin.

*The fact that I received a product reviewed in this article for free, did not – in any way – influence the rating of said product. I received a discount by Perola.

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