Father’s Child – Pikesville Rye Whiskey

When you are looking for whiskey drinks you often just think about Boulevardier or Manhattan variations. However, another great, but unusual source of inspiration is the Godfather. Obviously, the drink can be too sweet, but if you balance it right you are in for an almond laced treat, just like this drink using the excellent Pikesville Rye.

I was inspired by the Pikesville Rye’s spicy taste, to combine it with some almond flavours. So, I took the basic Godfather recipe of whiskey and Amaretto and enhanced it with a few things. I guess you really should enjoy almonds and their more marzipan-like notes for this drink.
An additional liqueur here, a pinch of pepper there

First, I added an almond liqueur the Nardini Mandorla to the recipe. – Afterall, Amaretto is made from apricot kernels. Nevertheless, I wanted to support the “almond” flavours a bit more. Then I added the Scrappy New Orleans Bitters, because they work like a charm when combined with whiskey. To round everything off, I grated some red long peppercorns on top of the drink.

0,75 cl Nardini Mandorla Liqueur
2,25 cl Disaronno Amaretto
Stir – strain – chilled Double Old-Fashioned glass over ice cubes;
Garnish: Grated red long peppercorns; Song: Michael Kiwanuka – Father’s Child;

The rye whiskey works wonders with the almond flavours of the liqueurs. The spiciness of the bitters and the peppercorns bring more complexity to the mix. All in all, the drink is on the sweeter sight of life, but still very delicious.
*The fact that I received a product reviewed in this article for free, did not – in any way – influence the rating of said product. The Amaretto and the rye whiskey were provided by Borco Marken Import.