Like Lions – Scheibel Marille

For my last drink in my small series on drinks with eau de vie from the Scheibel Distillery, I went for a Lion’s Tail variation. Apart from the addition of some Mirabell eau de vie, I stayed quite true to the original specs. So, let us see how this allspice laced cocktail turned out!

When Scheibel asked me to come up with cocktails for some of their eau de vies, one request was to keep things a bit simpler. Well, I managed this with my articles on their williams pear and their sloe eau de vies. However, by the time I got to the Mirabell, I somehow had already forgotten about that…
Too complicated?

I cannot recall my initial inspiration for combining the Lion’s Tail’s bourbon and allspice notes with the Mirabelle, but I guess the flavours somehow seemed to match. Therefore, I just threw in a bit of eau de vie and replaced the Angostura Bitters from the original with black walnut bitters. Just a quick word on the choice of bourbon, I needed a bottle that could stand up to the spiciness of the allspice dram and the Maker’s Mark 46 with its oak spices seemed perfect for that!

3 cl Scheibel Mirabell Eau de Vie
2 Bsp. Homemade Piemento Dram
2 Dashes Fee Brothers Black Walnut Bitters
2,25 cl Lime Juice
0,75 cl Giffard Gomme Syrup
Garnish: Lime Twist; Song: Blind Pilot – Like Lions;

The first thing you taste when sipping the “Like Lions” is the combination of bourbon and allspice. Soon afterwards the fruitiness of the eau de vie kicks in, before the bitters add some darker and nuttier notes. All in all, the drink is beautifully balanced and remined me that I should use Pimento Dram more often!
*The fact that I received a product reviewed in this article for free, did not – in any way – influence the rating of said product. The eau de vie was provided by Scheibel.