Tropical Month 2023 – Fall from Grace

Blanche Armagnac is a wonderful spirit to mix with! This is why I came up with a Missionary’s Downfall variation some time ago. An entry to the Home Bar Awards 2022 Finals added the finishing touches to the recipe.
Suzy aka Spirited Shaker, created a drink using Absinthe Blanche, Arrack, vermouth, Créme de Pêche, lime and basil syrup for the finals of the Home Bar Awards 2022. At least for me, that read like a Missionary’s Downfall style drink. So, I changed a few things with my own recipe. However, I kept the mint as the herb used in the ‘Fall From Grace’.
Triple split base

So, the new recipe uses a triple base of Blanche Armagnac, white Arrack and Absinthe Blanche. Apart from that, I kept the Créme de Pêche and pineapple juice of the original, as well as the lime. However, I added peppermint tea syrup to bring out the mint even more.

3 cl By the Dutch White Arrack
0,75 cl Paul Devoille Absinthe Blanche de Fougerolles
1,5 cl Giffard Créme de Peche de Vigne Liqueur
4 Sprays The Seventh Sense Bergamott Bitters
2,25 cl Lime Juice
2,25 cl Pineapple Juice
2,25 cl Peppermint Tea Syrup (1:1)
Garnish: Brandied Cherry – Lime – Mint; Song: Future Islands – Fall From Grace;

The absinthe definitely dominates the first sip of the ‘Fall from Grace’. Yet, the other ingredients balance out the herbal anise and fennel flavours quite well. The Armagnac, the Arrack and the peppermint tea syrup work perfectly with the absinthe. All in all, the drink is quite different from the regular Missionary’s Downfall, but it works well.