One Bottle One Drink – Doctor Cocktail
Well, I recently wondered which cocktail I should mix to celebrate me getting my PhD? Obviously, there really one was one choice – the Doctor Cocktail. Especially if you have some homemade Swedish Punch at hand.
There are a lot of different Doctor Cocktail variations out there. While I like the one published by Difford’s Guide which references David Embury’s “The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks” as the original source, I wanted to balance it a little bit better. Therefore, I used the half amount of Swedish Punch and added a bit of simple syrup.
The right choice of rum
There a lot of great choices for rum here. I think it should be from Jamaica and overproof. However, in this particular case I went for the Navy Style rum from Hunter Laing’s Kill Devil range. Its mix of Jamaica and Guyana rum seemed to be perfect.for adding complexity to the drink.
2,25 cl Homemade Swedish Punch
3 cl Lime Juice
0,75 cl Simple Syrup
Garnish: Lemon Twist – Black Tea; Song: Band of Horses – Casual Party;
The Doctor Cocktail starts with a great Rum Sour taste. Furthermore, you will find black tea in combination with some Arrak notes. On top of that, the Doctor Cocktail also reminded me of a more complex Daiquiri. The rum really works great here, the additional Guyana rum flavour really shines through.