Tropical Month 2024 – Ballad of Yaya
I came up with this drink during Tropical Month 2023, but did not came around to write about it. Since this was a great combination of flavours, I thought I just post it this year. However, this also means I am not completely sure how I got to the specific recipe.
When it comes to the rums I used, I combined two of my favourite ones, the Kill Devil Guyana 15 Years as well as the Clement 10 Years Rhum. The first, delivers a lot of dark flavours with typical Guyana esters while the latter has just the right amount of grassiness with a lot of vanilla.
Rum and bananas
The rest of the recipe probably was inspired by a drink by Matthias Soberon, because he also likes to combine rum with banana liqueur in tropical cocktails. The Giffard Banana liqueur does work wonders in such recipes.
3 cl Clement 10 Years Rhum Agricole
1,5 cl Giffard Banana Liqueur
2 Dashes Homemade Aromatic Bitters
3 cl Pineapple Juice
3 cl Lime Juice
1,5 cl Muscovado Simple Syrup
Garnish: Lime Twist;
Song: Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – The Ballad of Yaya;
Obviously, the taste of the ‘Ballad of Yaya’ is dominated by the combination of rums. Yet, the banana liqueur shines through nicely, while the pineapple juice adds even more fruitiness and a nice mouthfeel. The bitters and the Pimento Dram add some spicy backbone to the drink.