Polite Company – Satoshi London Dry Gin

At the Ginfinity 2019, I discovered Satoshi Gin. Its master piece is its clear cut blood orange note. For a drink that can handle such a powerful orange note, I chose a sweet Martini variation. Or with the slightly bitter Pontica Red Vermouth you could almost call it a Hanky Panky variation.

The Satoshi Gin is made in Ludwigsburg and based around Moro blood oranges. The blood oranges come from a small farm in Sicily and the farmer does not use any herbicides, pesticides, preservatives or wax. However, only the peels are used for distillation. The juniper for the London Dry Gin also come from Italy. They are giant juniper berries from Tuscany. Apart from that coriander, macis, lemon grass, Madagascar pepper, angelica and violet root. Through algorithms the guys behind Satoshi Spirits determine how much of the botanicals they should use, because of differences in the essential oils. After distillation the gin rests for one to three months and is brought down to its drinking strength of 44 % ABV with filtered water. The name of the Sathoshi Gin comes from Satoshi Nakamoto the supposed inventor of the bitcoin.
Very fruity gin

Obviously the Satoshi Gin is influenced by blood orange notes. However, you can also detect other citrus fruit flavours, e.g. bitter oranges and orange marmalade. Of course, through its orange flavour the Sathoshi Gin is not what you could call juniper forward. Yet, this makes this gin quit unique! Nevertheless, when giving the gin some time, hints of juniper, spices and herbal notes develop. I enjoy it very much!
Sweet Martini
Yes, I like spirit forward cocktails very much. This is why I also created a Sweet Martini variation with the Satoshi Gin. In my opinion, sweet vermouth goes very well with the blood orange note. To underline the orange notes a little bit further, I also added some dashes orang bitters.

3 cl Pontica Red Vermouth
2 Dashes Orange Bitters
0,5 cl Simple Syrup
Garnish: Orange Slice;
Song: Rainbow Kitten Surprise – Polite Company;
The drink is clearly dominated by orange notes. However, the wine flavour and bitter notes of the Pontica Red play very well with the blood orange flavour. The drink is quite complex with a multitude of fruit flavours. This way the drinks is also suited for the warmer days of the year. Yet, the “Polite Company” is still quite strong and you should not take it likely.
*The fact that I received a product reviewed in this article for free, did not – in any way – influence the rating of said product.